Saturday, October 23, 2004

When it rains, it pours..

We finally manage to get Brian's check in his name and not his mother's. I get a little raise at work... but nothing ever changes.. the fucking van breaks down just as he's dropping me off for work & we had to drop almost $50 to replace spark plug wires, the distributor cap... and send $70 to the phone company to beg them to turn the damn phone back on... after all that... he got everything put together on the van & finally got somebody off their self-important ass long enough to get a jump for the battery, only to find out the alternator is bad & that's $70..... which means our last $70 & that's not even till Monday... then no food, no nothing.. we'll be lucky if there' s even gas to put in the van once it's "fixed". ONe small good note: Brian is sposeta start a job on Monday cleaning up some school that burnt down, so maybe that's a little more cash...

WHy must everything be so fucking hard....?!?!?!??! We could be very happy together if the rest of the world would just let us.

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