Monday, October 18, 2004

[Fic] Better Than Sake 1/1 (TenKen)

Pairing: TenKen

Rated: PG13 for a brief passage or two

Disclaimer: The many incarnations and characters of Saiyuki were
created by the wonderfully talented Kazuya Minekura--may she be forever
blessed and properly deified for sharing her vision with the rest of
us. I venture onto her playground in the name of entertainment and
maintaining my sanity; in so doing I mean no disrespect or copyright

Summary: Mildly-hung-over Kenren, mildly-bitchy Tenpou, and a rather
roundabout discussion of their relationship...

A/N: Just to clarify, this fic features Manga-Kenren--with the nice
black hair, not that nasty garish pink dye-job--despite the fact that I
gave him his anime boots. Also, he's paired with Manga-Tenpou and his
vaguely-goofy prettiness rather than Anime-Tenpou, with his
usually-too-pinched face and washed-out coloring and funky plastic
action-figure hair...

Better Than Sake
By TJ Dragonblade

It was approaching mid-day by the time that General Kenren finally
managed to drag himself from his quarters to knock at the heavy door of
Tenpou's office, persistently dogged by the tenacious echoes of the
Hangover From Hell all the way. Part of him regretted the extent to
which he had indulged himself at the previous evening's banquet; and
yet part of him knew that he would do exactly the same thing next time
around despite the fact that he had spent most of the morning getting
intimately acquainted with the commode in his private washroom. And
while his head still felt a bit hammered and tenderized--leaving him
somewhat sensitive to everyday noises and wishing the sun filtering
through the windows were just a *bit* less bright--by now the dry-mouth
and the nausea and the worst of the physical symptoms had passed, more
or less, and he figured it was high time he made an appearance.

Especially considering the resignedly-disapproving look on Tenpou's
face when they'd parted company last night in the banquet hall...

Receiving no discernible answer to his knock--not that he'd truly
expected any; the gesture was one of habitual courtesy more than
anything else--he cracked the door open and peered around it. "Oi.
Tenpou. You in here?"

The absently-rumpled figure hunched over the desk shifted
non-committally in response; Kenren took it as invitation and slipped
into the cozy, blessed quiet of the diffusely-lit chamber, nudging the
door gently closed again behind him.

Tenpou said nothing, hardly even acknowledged the additional presence
in the room, appearing completely absorbed in the over-sized book open
on the desk before him, tie comfortably loose beneath his unbuttoned
collar, the tip of one finger tracking lightly down the page before he
turned to the next.

Kenren blew out a sigh and sank into the nearest chair--or rather, the
nearest chair that didn't require relocating more than three books to
be serviceable--and slouched gratefully, fragile head resting tilted
over the back. He scanned the room idly, wondering--and not for the
first time--how on earth the field marshal could manage to return the
office to this level of complete disorganization so thoroughly on a
regular basis, much less ever find *anything* in such a state of
perpetual disarray. "...Time to straighten up again already, eh?" he
asked conversationally, lifting his head into a less apathetic

Tenpou said nothing still, simply turned his page again.

Kenren frowned. Certainly, Tenpou was not always the most socially
gifted of men, particularly when ensconced in the comfortable chaos of
his own office; but this was stretching the bounds of politeness even
for him.

"Hey. Don't I warrant even a 'hello'?"

Tenpou glanced up briefly over the rims of his glasses, fixing Kenren
with a weighted look that made the general feel like a mis-behaved
adolescent pinned beneath the scrutiny of a stern headmaster once

Kenren blinked, resisting the sudden compulsion to squirm, and Tenpou's
sharp green eyes flicked back to the book as he spoke at last.

"From the lateness of the hour and the fact that you've only *just*
ventured forth from your bed, can I assume that you made a drunken
spectacle of yourself yet again at the banquet last night once I left?"

Oh. So that's all that was bothering him? Despite the lingering
sensation of fractures in his skull, Kenren couldn't help but crack
into a fond grin of reverie as he answered. "Tenpou, darling, you
would have been *appalled*."

He may just as well have said 'proud' for all the remorse in his tone.

Tenpou merely shook his head slightly with a sound somewhere between a
long-suffering sigh and a mothering cluck of disapproval and turned
another page of the tome before him.

"Oh, it wasn't *that* bad." Kenren waved dismissively. "The entire
evening is still clear in my memory--" He briefly assumed the tone of
a soldier reporting to his superior officer. "In no way did my
behavior reflect shamefully on the Western Army nor do I really have
any reason to be personally embarrassed." His tone slipped back to
casual. "On top of that, I retired to bed alone and I woke up alone.
And I certainly wasn't the only one drinking. Goujun was putting them
away fast and furious, too--I never would've guessed the old boy could
hold his liquor so well..."

"Oh, a most fitting accomplishment *indeed* for his subordinates to be
bragging about the next day..."

"Feh--it's good for morale. The soldiers were *very* impressed, I tell
you. After all, who wants to serve under a commander who can't loosen
up with his troops every once in awhile?"

"Every *once* in awhile is perfectly acceptable, Kenren, and I think
that Goujun understands that. *You*, however, seem to have decided
that the notion should be 'as often as possible'; and I'm afraid you're
going to *lose* the respect of your troops if you keep this up..." The
note of concern in his voice belied the coldness of his outward

Kenren shook his head, regretting it almost instantly as the room
swayed and tilted sharply in the wake of the motion. "I know my

Tenpou arched a highly skeptical eyebrow in reply; his eyes continued
dodging back and forth across the text before him all the while.

Kenren crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest, the folds of his
uniform coat creaking softly in emphasis. "When *you* manage to keep
this library of yours tidied for more than three days running, *that's*
when I give up the drinking."

Tenpou's head tilted away slightly in a disdainfully noncommittal sort
of gesture as he turned his page; and Kenren found himself almost
annoyed at how well the other could express himself without saying a
word. The general's eyes narrowed slightly in response; he never *had*
appreciated being treated so dismissively, particularly when Tenpou was
indulging in this vaguely holier-than-thou demeanor.

Lucky for him, he knew just the buttons to push that would bring the
marshal down a notch or two...

He stretched casually, lacing his hands behind his head and directing
his gaze toward the ceiling once more. "That Goujun, though...he
certainly is a lovely creature," he remarked idly, his tone very
carefully innocent. "I wonder if all that sake he drank last night
would've been sufficient to give me a chance at taking him to bed..."

Tenpou snorted, a haughty, derisive sound, and adjusted his spectacles
primly. "I find that *highly* unlikely." His eyes barely flicked up
from his book, their expression mildly venomous. "Nor do I think it
would be a particularly good idea..."

Well, at least he wasn't too put out to feel a little jealousy this
afternoon... Kenren grinned, not able to care that doing so would only
serve to irk Tenpou further.

That was one of the many little quirks that he so liked
about Tenpou. He could ogle or even bed any woman he cared to, and
Tenpou never batted an eye; but mention an interest in some other man
and Tenpou would turn possessive in a flash.

It was always nice to know that one was fully appreciated.

And the fact that Tenpou would never admit to being jealous--that was
rather endearing, too; the way he acted like he couldn't be bothered to
care one way or the other despite the sharp bite of his words, or the
way his nose would turn up just the slightest bit in unconcerned
superiority even as his eyes betrayed his true annoyance, as they did

Kenren's grin softened slightly, turning fondly introspective. Really,
there was a lot to like about Tenpou. He was...a distinctly quirky
individual, to be sure, as had been Kenren's intial impression; but the
general had swiftly found that quirkiness rather endearing and greatly
to his liking. Tenpou was an oddity among the kami upper ranks--a man
saddled with high authority and power who yet preferred to stay quietly
in the background for the most part, more interested in researching the
history of various wars than actively participating in current affairs.
Which was certainly an attitude that Kenren could understand--the
beaurocracy they served was a web of corruptible officials and
soft-bellied intrigue chock-full of smarmy folk with petty squabbles
over insignificant trivialities, and dealing with it all soured his
stomach on a daily basis. Especially when there were serious issues
lurking amongst all the pompous fluff and red tape that went utterly
ignored for the most part.

And Tenpou thought the same way he did, hid a very sharp intellect
behind that absently cheerful persona, which was probably one of the
reasons they'd gotten along so well from the start. After all,
like-minded individuals thrust into proximity by circumstance had a way
of banding together against the currents trying to sweep them into the
crowd. Kenren had grown quite attached to his eccentric marshal,
comfortable in the easy rapport that had developed so quickly between
them. They'd gone from comrades to bedmates in no time at all, and
over the course of their affair, they'd become...well, in all honesty,
Kenren supposed he'd have to call them friends.

And 'friend' was a word that Kenren had never tossed about so casually
as most of heaven's denizens were inclined to do.

He levelled a measuring gaze at Tenpou a moment, studying the marshal
while the marshal studied his book.

People were right to call the man pretty, no doubt about it--that dark
hair feathering carelessly over smooth porcelain-fair skin; those
green, green bespactacled eyes that could see right through a person
when they wanted to; the deceptively delicate curve of those
cheekbones; that lovely slender neck and that invitingly sculpted mouth
that was simply begging to be kissed; the lean, simple body hidden
under those plain clothes that did nothing to mask the memories Kenren
held of that body warm and alive in his bed...and he couldn't help
recalling, then, the way that Tenpou moved beneath him, deliberate and
sure, arching and twisting with that smugly calculating gleam in his
eye, expertly driving Kenren out of his mind; the thrill that he always
felt when Tenpou finally lost his control and fell into helpless
passion; the way Tenpou's elegant hands clutched at him and Tenpou's
lips trembled at his ear as that soft voice gasped fervently wicked
words of fulfillment at last...

Kenren smiled slightly, watching as those lips turned down a bit and a
faint frown of mild consternation creased the marshal's brow as Tenpou
flipped through another few pages. Yes, the man was undoubtedly
lovely; and--back to the point--definitely qualified as his friend,
quirks and beauty and all. But it certainly didn't hurt matters any
that Tenpou was ingeniously talented in the bedchamber, an absolute
delight between the sheets. And in the bath. And in private hidden
bowers of the gardens. And, on occasion, in this very office, atop the
desk or otherwise. And once or twice in some dark forgotten corner of
the prison block. And even in the banquet hall that one time, well
into the wee hours of the morning when they had both been rather
inebriated and the few other celebrants still present had finally
succumbed to the inevitable alcoholic stupor...

Kenren wiped the silly grin from his face before Tenpou could start to
wonder just what had so amused him.

After all, they'd been discussing his drinking habits; and while he
would never let on that he put serious value in Tenpou's opinion of
such things, the truth was that if Tenpou had broached the subject to
him, then it was definitely worth the mulling over...

He stood and stretched, demeanor casual to downplay his serious
consideration of Tenpou's reprimands. "...So you really think I'm too
free with the alcohol?"

Tenpou leafed absently through a few more pages, the crease between his
eyebrows deepening. "I think you are a man who indulges his passions
as he sees fit and rarely has any regard for concepts such as
'moderation' or 'temperence'."

Kenren opened his mouth to make reply, but Tenpou wasn't finished yet.

"You are none too popular with certain powerful individuals, as I'm
sure you're aware; and in all honesty, I'd rather not see you
transferred again or dismissed for disgraceful reasons of any sort,
particularly as your assignment to the Western Army was precipitated by
scandalous circumstances to begin with." His eyes never left the book.

Kenren sighed, bristling mildly at the implied slight to his military
service. "For the ten-thousandth time, *she* came on to *me*. I was
only there to inform her of the...altercation I'd had with her husband,
and apologize for the state I'd put him in; but...she wasn't interested
in listening. She seemed quite set on seducing me. I did everything I
could to talk sense into the woman, but she was having none of it--"

"Ahh, but Kenren, the way I hear the story, she was certainly having
quite a lot of *something*..."

Kenren shook his head and continued on, unwilling to cater further to
Tenpou's bemused sense of humor at the moment. "I can't help the fact
that her husband came to and came home before I could get things under

"Your clothes were in the other *room*, Kenren."

"She tore them off of me and forcibly dragged me to the bedchamber."

"So you've maintained all this time. Tell me, though--how far did you
intend to let things progress before 'getting them under control',

"...I didn't want to hurt her. I'd already made quite a mess of her
husband, after all..."

"Oh, indeed." Tenpou licked the tip of one finger and turned his page,
eyes still fixed to the text. "And I'm quite sure her husband
appreciated the sentiment; but the fact remains that the incident
landed you here under my authority and I don't want disgraceful
behaviour of any sort whisking you away again."

"And you think my drinking habits border on disgraceful."

"I think that you would do well to consider what those with higher
authority would label them."

And again, that was just so like Tenpou, answering questions without
really answering them, leaving room for interpretation in more than one
direction; giving answers of the sort that would satisfy those who had
heard what they'd wanted to hear whether or not the marshal truly
agreed with them. Tenpou had such guileless ambiguity down to a fine

But Kenren had known him long enough by now to have become quite adept
at reading between the lines.

Tenpou didn't really care one way or the other about how much he drank,
or even what any higher-ups thought; Tenpou's concern was whether or
not his love for the sake would end up splitting them under seperate
commands again.

Tenpou didn't want to lose his companionship.

And truthfully, Kenren reciprocated the sentiment wholeheartedly. Not
that either of them would ever say as much so directly, of course--that
would be entirely too trite, and too...well, sentimental.

But really, life with Tenpou was far more entertaining than it had any
right to be. And with the two of them being so much alike in their
views of the world and their opinions of the state of affairs in
Tenkai, Kenren was definitely in no hurry to be shifted to some other
command or booted from the military entirely.

Tenpou was quite important to him. He could admit as much in the
privacy of his own thoughts if nowhere else.

And maybe it really wouldn't hurt to convey a little of that to the
marshal, try to allay some of those unpsoken insecurities, especially
in light of Tenpou's own indirect and somewhat back-handed admission...

He settled against the side of Tenpou's desk, perching on the edge of
it and loosely folding his arms. "There are few things in life more
delightful than drinking, Tenpou."

Another page turned. "Yes, you *do* love your sake..."

Kenren waved one hand in impatient dismissal. "Yes, yes--I'm a
hopeless lush and an irredeemable drunkard, we've established that; but
I wanted to talk about those other things."

Abruptly, he boosted himself onto the desk and swung his legs around in
front of Tenpou, intending to interpose himself between the marshal and
that oh-so-fascinating text. But Tenpou, somehow, was one step ahead
of him and simply scooted back casually, quite unperturbed, sliding the
book into his lap and refusing to allow his reading to be interrupted
despite Kenren's increasingly-less-than-subtle efforts, by all
appearances oblivious to the fact that his lover was trying to hold a
conversation with him.

Biting back a sigh, Kenren hunched over a little, hands planted on the
edge of the desk beside him, leaning toward Tenpou, who just kept
skimming through the book.

"As I was saying--there are few things more delightful than drinking in
this life. And when a person finds one of those things, it ought to
be..." He searched for his words. "Treated with the proper
importance, yes?"

Tenpou nodded absently and turned a page.

"Like friends, for example. A good friend is both more valuable and
more fulfilling than a good drink, and far more difficult to come by."

"Indeed." Another page turned.

"And far more difficult to replace..." Kenren trailed off, not even
sure if Tenpou was truly listening to him and just a bit self-conscious
about whether or not his words were coming out right--despite his
undeniably silver tongue, he never had possessed much of a gift for
expressing himself sincerely in meaningful conversation. He shook his
head slightly and started again from another angle.

"How long has it been since we started sleeping together?"

"I've lost track," Tenpou answered blithely, skimming down the page
before turning it again.

That book...that damned book and his lover's absorption in it were
starting to get on Kenren's nerves. "What are you looking for,

Tenpou glanced up, blinking, appearing vaguely startled. "Hmm?"

Kenren gestured at the open tome in Tenpou's lap. "What are you trying
to find in that thing?"

"Oh." Green eyes flicked back to the parchment pages. "Nothing in

Well, wasn't *that* just peachy. Annoyed, Kenren abruptly toed the
cover closed and set his boot firmly atop it, a faint jingle from the
hardware along the calf emphasizing his act. "Dammit, then, pay
*attention* to me when I'm speaking, will you?" he demanded, somewhat

Tenpou's eyes lifted again, meeting his boldly with a look of polite
inquiry underlaid by a hint of vindictive satisfaction. The marshal
folded his arms over his chest, leaning back and arching one eyebrow
slightly. "Not only was I paying attention, Kenren; I commented where
appropriate and answered nearly every question put to me." His voice
was mellow, mild as a young spring breeze.

"I'd like your *undivided* attention," Kenren growled, removing his
boot from Tenpou's lap and setting the book aside, aggravation creeping
up his spine.

"Ah, well, I'm terribly sorry but the nature of my job requires that my
attention be constantly divided." Tenpou brushed him off with a
dismissive air, the sparkle of infinite amusement in his eyes only
irritating Kenren all the more.

"Dammit, I'm trying to say something important here!" How had he gone
so quickly from gleefully pushing Tenpou's buttons only moments before
to having his own expertly pushed in return?

"Words of importance from the tongue of General Kenren, subordinate to
the Dragon King of the Western Seas?" Tenpou rested his jaw on the
heel of one hand in a mockery of rapt attention, index finger laid
against his cheek while his knuckles curled at his mouth, ready to hide
any hint of a smile--a vaguely snobbish gesture of amused superiority
set off to perfection by the upward tilt of his eyebrows. "Do tell..."

"Can you *never* take me seriously, then?"

"Now Kenren, really--where would be the sense in that?"

"You...self-righteous, empty-headed arrogant little--" Enough was
enough. Kenren was no good with putting delicate sentiments into
proper words, and Tenpou clearly held little stock in the value of his
words as it was. Exasperated, the general fell back on the one sure
way he knew of to *make* Tenpou pay him the proper mind.

He pulled the marshal abruptly forward with a quick yank to the tie,
seized Tenpou's face, and kissed him soundly, muffling the little
startled yelp that escaped his lover's throat.

It would be quite difficult for Tenpou to talk back while his mouth was
otherwise occupied, after all. Particularly with Kenren putting the
whole of his considerable talents of seduction into the effort--Tenpou
likely wouldn't have a single quick-witted sharp-tongued thought in his
head by the time that kiss was through.

And certainly, kissing the man really was a delightful pastime, Kenren
concluded, pressing closer, charming his way easily through Tenpou's
defenses, teasing at the soft tobacco-and-mint taste of his quirky
marshal, irritation bleeding out of him quite suddenly. Tenpou's mouth
was so *nice*, firm yet yielding, all warm and supple and
responsive--Kenren's hands gentled slightly, stroking the back of his
lover's neck and playing up under that lovely dark mink-like hair; and
he indulged a flare of smug complacency as he felt Tenpou positively
melt beneath his touch. Savoring his victory, he deftly countered
Tenpou's parrying tongue and tasted as deeply as he pleased, assured
that he had finally gained the marshal's full attention.

And at long last he broke off, slightly breathless himself, quite
satisfied with the rapt expression on Tenpou's face as those green eyes
blinked open, soft behind their lenses, sharpening a bit as they
focused but falling quite short of the bite they'd possessed just
moments before.

Kenren allowed himself the barest hint of a smile, the perfect words
he'd needed suddenly clear in his mind.

"All the time we've been together, as much of a pain in the ass as you
are, this--" he lapped briefly at the cleft of Tenpou's mouth again
"'s still better than sake..."

Tenpou made no move to pull away from the hands that yet held him fast.
"Oh, *I'm* the pain, am I?"

"Yes. But you're still better than sake."

"Well. I suppose I can live with that..." Tenpou's mouth twisted in a
wry smirk, but his eyes were soft with a genuine smile.

And that warmed Kenren better than any drink ever could.
Beg: 7/13/04
End: 9/24/04

C&C welcome -

TJ Dragonblade
Badge-toting officer of the DWPS
Reincarnated English Teacher & Custodian of Wufei's kinky streak

"Please don't use holy magic on civilians."
Cho Hakkai ~Saiyuki~ (manga)


This beautiful story is not mine. Received in my daily e from Saiyuki Yaoi group mailing list.
I thought the story was great, just fab, and wanted to share it with my loyal fanbase.

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