Thursday, May 13, 2004

Kruger Turned Troy Downtime Into Karaoke Contest
May 10, 2004 - World Entertainment News Network

German model-turned-actress Diane Kruger sparked a karaoke craze on the set
of Troy in Mexico when the cast were left idle after Hurricane Marty destroyed
the set.

The beautiful star, who plays Helen of Troy in the epic, hated the idea of
sitting around for weeks while filming was shut down, so she started karaoke
wars among the cast and crew.

She says, "Mexico was really tough on everyone, with the set being destroyed
and the weather being so bad, and everyone was really worried, so nobody was
allowed to leave in case the weather changed.

"I was there for two months and I shot nine days, so I did this karaoke thing
even though I'm the worst singer. It was bad.

"Orlando (Bloom) isn't bad and Seam Bean is good. He's a good singer."

But one star who didn't join in the karaoke fun was Brad Pitt.

Kruger adds, "He didn't do karaoke. It's really hard for him to go anywhere
outside his house. We did a few dinner parties in people's houses.

"He's so normal, though. I guess it's been happening to him for so long, he
made peace with all the fame and stuff."

Now that's a karaoke contest I'd have loved to sit in on!


And as if Vin Diesel isn't reason enuf to watch it, Karl Urban's also starring in "The Chronicles of Riddick" (sequel to Pitch Black). The flick premieres June 3rd.

Intresting facts from Orlando's mom in recent interview found on the LOTRGossip group:

"He's still in Morocco. She's going out to see him this weekend.

Although he was confirmed at Canterbury Cathedral as a youngster, we can
reveal that Orlando has turned to Buddhism to help cope with the strains of
Hollywood. He chants every day after having been introduced to the ancient
Eastern faith while at the Guildhall School of Drama in London.

"The peaceful nature of the religion, he believes, is perfect to help keep him
centered and protected against the worst excesses of life in Tinseltown".

"After late teens spent clubbing and partying, Orlando says he now prefers to
stay at home and cook a nice meal for his girlfriend, up-and-coming Hollywood
actress Kate Bosworth, as well as family and friends."

Nice to see "Useful Dave" and "Beanie" getting a little press for once:

Unsung sidekick

THIS YEAR sees The Lord of the Rings´ two brothers of Gondor - Boromir and
Faramir - starring in two blockbuster films. Actor Sean Bean who plays the
older brother Boromir is in Troy as the legendary Odysseus. Meanwhile, the actor
who plays his character´s younger brother in the trilogy, David Wenham, makes
an appearance on the silver screen this year in Van Helsing.

In Van Helsing, Wenham plays the stereotypical sidekick, Carl - in other
words, the total opposite of the hero. With a funny hairstyle and a hunch, there
is no trace of the heroic Faramir in Carl at all.

Visiting The Lord of the Rings site we stopped at
the actor´s page. Only basic information is given here. What we´ve learnt is
that Wenham is an Australian who is known in his homeland for his diverse
performances in all three mediums of entertainment - film, theatre and television.
He is best known for playing a "laconic fisherman" in the series Seachange.
Some of his other roles have been playing a criminal in an Australian feature
film titled The Boys and Audrey, the transvestite playwright in Moulin Rouge.
Clicking on the Internet Database, we learn that Wenham was cast in LOTR because of his resemblance to Bean. Wenham has his own theory why he was chosen - it´s because Bean and him have big noses (heh!). Another interesting bit of trivia listed out at this site is that before acting, Wenham used to call bingo back in his hometown in Sydney and he was also an insurance
clerk for a while too.

We finally arrive at a fansite called Wenham Wonderland. First thing that greets you when you open this page is a big face of Wenham; and he´s right, with the face filling up almost the whole screen, you tend to look at his nose.
It says in the biography section that he was born in Sept 21, 1965, and that
he´s the youngest of one brother and five sisters. He has a child with his
long-time girlfriend, actress Kate Agnew. The site also lists the awards and
nominations Wenham has received so far. However, what caught our eye is how an
Australian artist won a prize for painting a portrait of Wenham. There´s a link
and you can take a look at it yourself - it´s quite interesting.

The webmaster has also kindly included the latest articles written on Wenham
in line with the release of Van Helsing. There are loads of pictures too for
leisure viewing.

If you have no time to read all the articles, read the one titled Fangs for
the fun, fellas published in The Courier Mail. It starts off like this: "Hugh Jackman calls him one of the funniest guys on the planet, Richard Roxburgh counts him as a good mate, Kate Beckinsale says he´s like one of her brothers, and everyone calls him Daisy."

According to this article, Wenham auditioned for the part in Van Helsing by
sending the director a videotape of himself with his neck hunched up, his ears
taped and an incredibly bad haircut. Apparently, he tries to get the worst
haircut possible for some roles.

From this fansite there are a whole lot of links. While waiting for the truly
extended version of The Return of the King where Faramir and Eowyn´s
relationship is expanded, you can visit the "Faramir and Eowyn" fansite listed here.

There is also a Russian fansite on David Wenham!
Do visit this site There´s something about David which has the latest updates and more information on the 1.83m actor.
If you still want more articles and pictures do drop by
Click on scrapbook and then search for David Wenham. Here you can see the
mullet hairdo he sports for a project.

There is more than enough to browse on Wenham while we wait for his next
appearance. However, just like Hollywood is finally taking notice of this Aussie
talent, we can be sure that the number of sites on Wenham will also grow pretty

What kind of haircut do you think suits David Wenham? Leave us a note at

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