Friday, February 27, 2004

Personally, I don't think Colin Firth gets nearly as much attention as her deserves. He's more subtle, charming, less in-your-face poptart-boy than most of today's heartthrobs. I adored him in Bridget Jones Diary!!! and can't wait for the sequel!!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Dearest Dommy is in a new flick. Hurray!! The site is a bit under-construct still, but not altogether un-informative. At the very least there are piccies, tho not nearly enuf of Dom.

Purifiers main
It utterly delights me when I find that the object of my obsession is not only attractive and charming, but real and genuine and wonderfull. How fabulous is the world?!

Viggy takes a stroll thru the poetry section of City Lights, doing an impromptu reading of Blake for his interviewer, then buying him books to expand his mind and library before they part.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Bill & Dom interview from Japan

By Ayako Karino
¡¡Freelance Writer

Question: Being together day and night for the past few years, have you become close friends or do
you actually hate each other ?

Billy Boyd: It's kind of both really.

Dominic Monaghan: We hate how much we like each other. We're good friends you know. It's not too
difficult to be friends with someone when you're having such a great time. There's kind of an
unspoken thing that goes on between us now. We know what we've all been through to get to this point.
It's an incredibly strong link.

Q: Upon receiving the role of the hobbits, did you do anything to create the characters?

Monaghan: I think our innate understanding of hobbits was close to the way we kind of feel in
general life, really. They're quite happy, genuine characters. They try not to hide their emotions too
much and they're very quick to laugh. Same could be said of Billy, Sean, Elijah and myself.

Boyd: Yeah, it would be strange to cast someone who was dark and gloomy as a hobbit, because it
wouldn't be believable.

Monaghan: Yeah, Viggo couldn't do a hobbit (laughing).

Q: What are your feelings toward people looking at you as Pippin or Merry in everyday life and
perhaps your career ?

Boyd: I don't mind because they're such great films and such lovely characters. But I think it's
up to us as actors now, to pick our parts quite carefully so that people will see that we're not
just hobbits. We can play other things. Dom will be very good in say ¡½ a geisha girl.

Monaghan: Well, thank you. It's a script I've been entertaining people with for the past couple of
weeks. You should see me in a kimono. Ohhh!

Boyd: When he's closely shaved and got makeup on ...

Monaghan: I look very, very beautiful.

Boyd: Oh, he's quite enchanting!

Monaghan: Yeah, I wore it once at a fancy dress party. I told Elijah that I was going to turn up
as a red Indian. But when I actually turned up as a geisha girl, he actually tried to kiss me. It's
an ugly part of our relationship !

Q: In The Return of the King, you two play your roles separately. Did you have any envy for the
other's part ?

Boyd: He gets to sit on a horse with Miranda Otto, which must be quite a fun thing !

Q: You also composed and sang that beautiful song in the film. Is music important for you as much
as acting ?

Boyd: I used to play in bands. It's got that sort of feeling we got from this film. We did very
much feel like a team, almost a family. You feel that in a band, too. I'd love to do a bit more of

Q: What do you think is the theme of this film ?

Boyd: So many. I mean this was a man's life's work. I'm sure he put a lot of his kind of morals
and themes into the book. As well as the obvious things of friendship and racial tolerance, he was a
great lover of the environment and nature. I think he hated the way the Industrial Revolution was
tearing down nature to create weapons and machines. If we keep attacking nature, nature will
attack us at some point, which he put in The Two Towers with the ents (the tree shepherds). There's so
much in it, and that's why it's so popular to this day.

Q: Do you have anything to add to that ?

Boyd: Do you? Do you ?

Monaghan: I can't, I can't. I can't do any better than that. How do you improve on perfection?
It's like putting a cherry on top.

Boyd: Well you can tell me the cherry.

Monaghan: Uh, uh (shaking his head).

Q: Billy's like a teacher for you, isn't he ?

Monaghan: Ohh, he's like a wise old master. My samurai mentor.

Boyd: Go and get me some ice cream (laughing). No we teach each other. It's a wonderful
relationship. One day I'm the teacher and the next day he is. One day, I'm the geisha, and then he's the
geisha. One day I'm the frog and he's the prince.

Q: And where do you think your friendship is heading in the future? Dominic, you said you wanted
to see Billy at your wedding ?

Boyd: If he pays for my plane fare.

Monaghan: I'll pay for it.

Boyd: And my hotel?

Monaghan: Well you can sleep on my floor with my new wife.

Boyd: OK. I'll go (laughing).

Monaghan: You know I think Billy and I will know each other for the rest of our lives. We can't go
through an experience, which comes to define huge parts of you, and just let it all go. We've
written this script together and we're going to try and work together. The idea for Billy and I is to
go off and do our own things and come back every five years or so and do a project, whether it be
a play, a film or a television show. Same goes for everyone else. We're constantly dreaming of new
ways of trying to get back together.

Yes, precious, it is always nice to have cute new piccies of our boys!!!! OK, chicks, wrap yer pupils around these pretty bits- you can thank me later.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Oh great gods this one is amusing!!! It seems the Orlando-ites are not the only ones hating all over Ms. Bosworth (may they send her to an even deeper ring of hell now that I hear she's wrapped a ring round Orli's dear throat!!). Ms. Bosworth is touted as nothing more than a no-talent bit o' fluff and Keira Knightley idn't fairing a whole lot better in this column, tho she wins in the end, but only "knarrowly".

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hi-res scans of Orlando - some wallpaper sized close-ups. All positively delish! Thank you pfyre!!!

Orlando Bloom - Vanity Fair - March 2004
The official Warner Bros. site for "Troy", which, if you're entirely headless & didn't already know, includes Orlando, Sean Bean, & Brad Pitt. There is also a "click on" for the upcoming Flash Site, but it won't be operational till about May 14 - also when the movie premieres! There are links to photos from the film and the Superbowl TV spot, in case you missed it.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

All the links you can stand...... fire up the printer baby, mama's got some piccies on deck!!

LOL Billy would've liked to be Arwen coz she gets to lie down alot and wear pretty dresses... that's great! I love these guys!!

Ananova - LOTR star Billy Boyd answers your questions
I do like this article about Viggo. Interesting bits I hadn't already known, like him growing up in Argentina, that Viggo is a family name - his father's - and that a lot of studio execs wanted him to change his 1st name in the beginning.... but I don't care for the interviewer. There are a few spots where Viggo might've segway'd into an interesting story, the way he does.. wandering off on a tangent & the like, but they kept cutting him off. And some of the questions were meaningless dribble, if you ask me...

Unreel Feature - Viggo Mortensen Interview

Monday, February 09, 2004

Hey, Tab!

Played the Madlibs game. (You knew I had to!) Wonder of wonders, I kept it relatively clean. Here goes!

The filing cabinets at work were on the blink again today so your boss decides to give you a 4 hour lunch break until the filing cabinets are fixed. You decide to go ahead and have lunch at Damon's Bar & Grill. You hadn't noticed just how lonely it sounded to say 'Party of one' until now. Despite that, you slide sexily into the criminally insane booth while the greeter leaves you with a menu. You study it, quietly admiring the barbecued ribs and order it when the waiter comes by.
You lean your everybody else's butt back, take in a(n) dizzy breath, and close your eyes for what seems like only a moment. You can feel a swish of amber-colored air pass by you as the waiter scurries by. From behind, you can smell the scent of barbecued ribs being delivered to the booth behind you. In only a matter of moments, the smell of the barbecued ribs becomes stronger and is mixed with a hint of... Aspen. A delightful sense that someone is watching you overcomes you to the point where you open your eyes. Suddenly your spleen! nearly stops snickering, you immediately recognize the brown eyes staring down into yours and you know exactly who those eyes belong to.
Orlando Bloom is holding the plate of barbecued ribs and smiles, 'I think this is yours, I ordered the cheesesticks.' Awe struck, you exclaim to yourself, 'Meeeeow! it's Orlando Bloom.' but manage to hide your bewilderment under a calm exterior and you smile back, 'Yeah, it is.' Orlando nods then wildly and deliciously places the plate down on the table, 'I thought so. I heard you ordering earlier.' His left pinky toenail flushed slightly.
You practically trip over your words to say 'Thank you.' Orlando then puts his lips in his pockets and begins to lambada dance back to his booth when you stick your hand out to shake his. When he captures it and holds it against his own, you say, 'I'm Julie' He keeps your hand in his until he finishes saying, 'Julie, it's nice to meet you, I'm Orlando, but my you can call me Orli. All my friends do.' He tiredly releases your hand and you say, 'Hi Orli', and before you can stop yourself you hear your own voice saying out loud, 'Would you like to join me?' With a quick tickle Orlando slides into the opposite side of your booth and gives you a grin, I'd love to. You could feel that this lunch was going to be one of the best of your life.

Man, Orli must be damn flexible if he can stick his lips into his pockets!


Sunday, February 08, 2004

Hurray! More info! I love knowing more about the person I'm stalking... um, I mean interested in.....oopsy! LOL

Kylie Klub - The klub for girls with style: Fashion, Music, Beauty, TV & Movies, Magazines, Competitions, Screensavers, Jokes
Would you like to play a game?

The Orlando Bloom Files: Amusement

Mine went something like this:

The demonicly possessed copy machines at work were on the blink again today so your boss decides to give you a 3 hour lunch break until the demonicly possessed copy machines are fixed. You decide to go ahead and have lunch at Olive Garden. You hadn't noticed just how lonely it sounded to say 'Party of one' until now. Despite that, you slide loquaciously into the dark booth while the greeter leaves you with a menu. You study it, quietly admiring the spaghetti and order it when the waiter comes by.
You lean your finger back, take in a(n) weary breath, and close your eyes for what seems like only a moment. You can feel a swish of tantalizing air pass by you as the waiter scurries by. From behind, you can smell the scent of spaghetti being delivered to the booth behind you. In only a matter of moments, the smell of the spaghetti becomes stronger and is mixed with a hint of... Polo. A delicious sense that someone is watching you overcomes you to the point where you open your eyes. Suddenly your heart nearly stops beating, you immediately recognize the brown eyes staring down into yours and you know exactly who those eyes belong to.
Orlando Bloom is holding the plate of spaghetti and smiles, 'I think this is yours, I ordered the mostaciolli.' Awe struck, you exclaim to yourself, 'Yes please, have some! O my god it's Orlando Bloom.' but manage to hide your fascination under a calm exterior and you smile back, 'Yeah, it is.' Orlando nods then swiftly and politely places the plate down on the table, 'I thought so. I heard you ordering earlier.' His ears flushed slightly.
You practically trip over your words to say 'Thank you.' Orlando then puts his hands in his pockets and begins to meander back to his booth when you stick your hand out to shake his. When he captures it and holds it against his own, you say, 'I'm Tabitha' He keeps your hand in his until he finishes saying, 'Tabitha, it's nice to meet you, I'm Orlando, but my you can call me Orli. All my friends do.' He quickly releases your hand and you say, 'Hi Orli', and before you can stop yourself you hear your own voice saying out loud, 'Would you like to join me?' With a quick dash Orlando slides into the opposite side of your booth and gives you a grin, I'd love to. You could feel that this lunch was going to be one of the best of your life.

OH, what a lunch that would be.....
For your enjoyment: A whole mess of really pretty screencaps.....mmmmmm

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Movie Scenes Image Index
There's a couple dishes here I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of.

The Star Online: Lifestyle
OH boy, Jules! Are you gonna love this little piccie:

I took Spanish in high school & it was fairly simple to learn, but I can't imagine trying to learn that Elvish they spoke. It was an absolutely beautifull language and Orli sounded so fantastic speaking the lines with his accent that you could melt!! - Star Stuff - Who's That Babe?

Friday, February 06, 2004

Yeah, I understand what you mean. Viggo stopped answering ANY of his fanmail because he couldn't answer it all himself, personally. I don't even think he accepts it anymore, for that reason. It's a sweet gesture that he wants to answer them all individually, and if he can't make everyone feel special and appreciated with a letter, he won't answer it at all. Kind of sad that I can't send him a present, though :(.

Wanted to make him a pipe-bone Native American choker in honor of Hidalgo, since his character is half Lakota (Sioux). Had it all planned out. I wanted to put a silver charm of a running horse as its centerpiece. Horses, to some Native Americans, represented living in two worlds (mundane & supernatural, wild & domestic). Both Viggo himself and his character live in more than one world (I think most people do, but don't recognize that fact. I think Viggo does. Though I doubt he thinks the Hollywood B***S*** deserves to be treated as its own world.) Sigh. Hope to think he would have appreciated that, and that it would have fit right in with his extensive collection of talismans.

Sorry, am rambling. Tend to do that when I talk about Viggo. Thanks for the link to the Very Secret Journals, since I have read the Very Secret Diaries! Luuuurvely Viggo Page you had the link to, as well.


Wage Peace!
Remember, BUSH only needs 4 more letters to make it B***S***.
Orlando Bloom Multimedia

Orlando is just amazing! He mentions loving all his fans and the mail he gets and how he "hopes we don't dislike hime because he can't answer all the mail himself." He's such a doll!!!
Extract from
Communion (1999-2002)

..were you taking
in my face to
save an image
you've rarely allowed
yourself after leaving
that cold alcove?
Am I a photograph
you gaze at in
moments of weakness?

by Viggo Mortensen

found at

She's got lovely pics and lotsa info to surf around. I like websites with depth, and lots to explore.

If you haven't yet seen them, you should check out The Very Secret Diaries of the members of the Fellowship. I found myself vastly amused.

And, once you have read The Very Secret Diaries, I am sad to say that their auteur has retired, but a brave soul has taken up the gauntlet in her stead. The Very Secret Journals should be your next stop.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Tee hee! Bwahahahah! I answered this one honestly and look who I got!

Go fig!


who's your male wench?

this quiz by belle

Hey, Tab!

I barely get to see you, so I decided to accept your invite!


Which Hobbit Will You Shag Senseless? by Biggertaylorboydstaf
Where You Did ItAt the Prancing Pony
How Long It LastedIt didn't. It was over before it began, if you know what I mean.
If You Had To Sum It Up In One Sentence"Gandalf was watching."
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Monday, February 02, 2004

Golden Globes 2004 - Fashion Police - Dominic Monaghan

He's definitely a sex little thing, so nice of them to notice- hello!

I just love the way Ted spills things.... he puurrrs, drools and implies everthing- fabolous! He has all the best dish and dollops!