Sunday, January 25, 2004

Chances growing for big screen version of The Hobbit

J.R.R. Tolkien's great-grandson has backed Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson to make a film version of The Hobbit.

Jackson has already said he'd be interested if a deal on the film rights can be agreed.

Royd Tolkien, 34, said: "I would love to see Peter Jackson make a film of The Hobbit. That would be the perfect ending."

New Line Cinema, the company that made the Lord Of The Rings trilogy with Jackson at the helm, owns the movie rights to The Hobbit.

But the distribution rights governing the release of the film belong to United Artists, although New Line has first refusal on producing the movie.

Sir Ian McKellen says he'd be up for playing Gandalf again, once the rights issues are cleared up.

He told Channel 4: "There is currently a situation where two companies own the rights, but when that's sorted out Peter (Jackson) and I will sit and talk it over. We've mentioned it recently and Peter is looking forward to getting it into production."

McKellen also said that he was looking forward to playing Gandalf the Grey again as he saw Gandalf the White as a "stick in the mud".

The Hobbit is set before the Lord of the Rings trilogy and tells the story of how Bilbo Baggins came by the ring.

Story filed: 11:50 Thursday 8th January 2004

Lord of the Rings fans spot mistakes

Sharp-eyed movie fans have spotted more than 40 mistakes in the final installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

They have so far submitted 45 continuity blunders to website which says more are coming in all of the time.

They are mostly differences in the appearance of characters from scene to scene such as a scar which moves from Frodo's right cheek to his left cheek.

Website owner Jon Sandys said: "Some people assume it's malicious, which it was never meant to be - I only started the site to point out a few things people might never have seen before, even in films they'd seen many times.

"I never realised there were quite so many people out there who shared my geeky hobby!"

Story filed: 12:41 Monday 22nd December 2003

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