Thursday, July 29, 2004


Last Updated: 28/07/2004

Thanks to Bonnie, Linda, Tanja and Cinzia for today's crop of pictures. Wet or dry, Viggo is one of life's great pleasures!

And an early Happy Birthday to my son, Luke, who will be 11 tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Pooh!



Obsession Mailing List, on Wednesday, 28/07/2004 at 22:11:23

Sunday, July 25, 2004

billy boyd uk - i'll be your long haired lover from glasgow

I fell in love with James Frain as "Forney" in "Where the Heart Is". Didn't like him much in "The COunt of Monte Christo" - he still looked good, but he was a bad guy.... I want to know why I don't see more of him and why I become enamoured of these amazing guys who disappear!!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

The League of Obscure British Actors

Although, I'm not sure a certain number of these boys could still be considered "obscure". Birthdates, Press Listings, and extensive fan listing for each lovely boy:


Sean Bean
Jack Davenport
Ioan Gruffudd
Ewan McGregor

Thursday, July 22, 2004

The prettiness continues....

Anime Shrine
Anime Wallpapers & Pics....

cattle crossing
Abstract Anime
AnimeBGX -DigitalDesktops-
DA! Desktop Anime + v.6 + anime and manga for your desktop
bastardANIME v5 :: am I dreaming?...
digiTalBoing! Fanservice Wapers V4.0!
-=Rave Anime=- V2 .: Anime Wallpapers, MP3s and Scans

Last Updated: 16/07/2004

It's 2am a sleepy hello to you all!

Sorry it's been a week since the last update..real life and all that family stuff has been getting in the way! ;)

Todays' updates are:-

* Some images in the Gallery (page 91) - including the ones of Viggo lying by the side of the road. One of them gives me serious stomach-nuzzling fantasies!
* A couple of lovely wallpapers by Jo - check them out on the Downloads page.
* A link to's petition to have the film company re-issue A Walk on the Moon with the deleted scenes put back. The link is in Viggo news.
* A few more UK TV Viggo film showings.

And news that Obsession has made it through to the final of the Filmsite awards. Thank you to all of you who supported me by posting on the message board! Could I now be dead cheeky and ask you all to go along to and vote for me? Pretty please? You have to vote in all the other categories at the same time (well, I suppose there have to be SOME sites out there that aren't dedicated to Viggo!), but if all 789 of you (!) vote, then I'm sure I'll stand a great chance of getting a wee plaque!

hugs to all...

off to bed...


Obsession Mailing List, on Friday, 16/07/2004 at 02:02:47

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Karl Urban Eomer
Lost & Blown Away -- Dominic Monaghan

- Lost, the pilot Dom filmed for ABC has been picked up and will be on wednesdays at 8pm. Filming will continue in Hawaii in July.

- Dom finished filming 3 new movies called "Spivs", The Purifiers and Shooting Livien.

- Dom attended Mardi Gras in New Orleans on the 23rd of February.

- Dom attended the Return of the King premiere in Japan on January 21st.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Sounds to me like this is gonna be a fantastic version. I prepare myself for the much knashing of teeth from the purists & shirk on my riot gear to push thru the picket line for my ticket.

Winnipeg Sun: Spotlight - Prince of Wales

Sun, July 11, 2004

Prince of Wales
Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd pins his hopes on Hollywood

By Louis B. Hobson

HOLLYWOOD -- It was just a little over 18 months ago that Ioan Gruffudd set sail for America. The Welsh star of the Emmy Award-winning miniseries Horatio Hornblower realized "Hollywood was where I wanted to work. It's where all the auditions are for major films."

No sooner had Gruffudd settled in West Hollywood than he was on a plane headed for Ireland to film King Arthur, in which he plays Lancelot.

"In the earliest version of the script there was a lot of wenches and carousing but this is a Disney movie, so we didn't even get to film those scenes," says Gruffudd.

In this new version of the Arthurian legend, there was never a love triangle involving Arthur (Clive Owen), Guinevere (Keira Knightley) and Lancelot.

"There are significant glances and verbal swordplay between Lancelot and Guinevere, but no romance. None written and none filmed. In this version, Lancelot is darker and more brooding than in any previous screen version. He's Arthur's moral conscience.

"I'm expecting there will be backlash from the Arthurian purists but I'm really happy I got to be part of something so radically different."

Gruffudd, 30, who was born in Cardiff, has been acting since he was 13.

"I got to play the landlord's son in People of the Valley, the longest-running soap opera in Wales. I've been acting ever since."

American audiences first saw Gruffudd as the animal activist in 102 Dalmatians, a film dear to his heart because that's where he met his partner, Alice Evans.

Gruffudd has already filmed eight episodes for the continuing saga Horatio Hornblower.

"I don't think we've seen the last of Horatio yet. I've played him from the time he was a 17-year-old boy. The series is very popular on both sides of the Atlantic, so there's talk of a few more episodes."

Gruffudd says he "always harboured the notion we'd do a big film version of Hornblower, but Russell Crowe's Master and Commander took the wind out of those sails."

Gruffudd is in negotiations to play Elastic-Man in the film version of Fantastic Four, which is scheduled to begin filming this fall.


To join the cast of King Arthur, Hugh Dancy took a bit of a demotion from prince to knight.

Dancy played Prince Charmont opposite Anne Hathaway in the Cinderella story Ella Enchanted.

"I worked for Jerry Bruckheimer in Black Hawk Down, which is how I got on the list of British actors who Jerry and (director) Antoine Fuqua met for King Arthur.

Dancy, 29. plays Sir Galahad, the knight who was searching for The Holy Grail in traditional versions of the Arthurian story.

"Galahad's absolute purity and innocence couldn't possibly fit into the world of Bruckheimer's Arthur, so I had to forget most of what I'd learned about Arthur in school. He is the youngest of Arthur's knights, which is what sets him apart."

Dancy has nothing but praise for Knightley, who plays Guinevere.

"She was the only woman in the core cast of the film and she was considerably younger than the rest of us, but she never asked for special treatment. She was out there training with the rest of us. I could accept her as a warrior woman."

Later this month, Dancy is off to Rwanda to film the drama Shooting Dogs, with John Hurt.

"The film takes place in 1994, at the height of the genocide. We are shooting in the school compound where the actual events took place.

"John will play an old priest who's been in Rwanda for decades. I play the young idealist who thinks he can make a difference."

Dancy says he has no immediate plans to move to North America, though he hopes to be working here in the future.

"I've always wanted to keep a foot in Britain. I'm not certain I would feel comfortable living some place else, though I want to work all over the world."


Antoine Fuqua was devastated when Denzel Washington failed to thank him publically or personally for directing the actor to an Oscar in Training Day. Star and director have kissed and made up.

"Denzel has agreed to star for me in my next film, Tru Blu," reports Fuqua, who directed King Arthur.

"Steve Zaillian, who wrote Schindler's List and Gangs of New York, has written the screenplay, which, I know, was attractive to Denzel."

In Tru Blu, Washington will play Frank Lucas, who built a heroin dynasty in the 1970s.

"Frank's the guy who they were after in The French Connection. Benicio del Toro is going to play Richie Roberts, the cop who made it his mission to bring Frank down."


Producer Jerry Bruckheimer hopes to begin filming the sequel to his runaway hit Pirates of the Caribbean this fall.

"Johnny (Depp), Orlando (Bloom) and Keira (Knightley) are all committed to the sequel emotionally but not financially. That's something we have to start working out," says Bruckheimer. "All three are busy, expensive stars now. Johnny's a $20-million man."

Depp has said he wants Keith Richards to play Depp's father in the sequel.

"Johnny loves the idea of having Keith in the movie because he used Keith as an inspiration for his performance, but the part isn't in the script yet. If Johnny insists and Keith agrees, I think it's safe to say it will be written in."

Monday, July 12, 2004

� � � � it's � G R A V I T A T I O N � � � � � [the Yuki/Shuichi fanlisting] � � � � � � � � �

Hurray! A fanlisting...... more of my fellow cult members! LOL

Gravitation - News & Updates

Today's new obsession. This is Tal & Thorn's fault!!! They're always recruiting for their "we love bishies" cult!! The new one is "Gravitation". It's about a teenage (technically 19) pop singer who falls in love with an older, mysterious, smart, supposedly-straight guy. Of course, therre's way more going on in the story than just that, but that's the best part. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2004

BBC - Radio 1 News - Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood's hobbit porn shock

Last updated 08 June 2004

What happens when the LOTR actors are confronted with their "online secret lives"?

'Lord of the Rings' star Elijah Wood got a bit of a shock at a press conference in the Czech Republic.

He was answering questions about his new film, an adaptation of the book 'Everything is Illuminated', when a fan wandered up to him and handed him an envelope.

It had written on the front that Elijah should sit down whilst opening the envelope, and inside was a photo. Here's how he reacted:

"Oh... that is so wrong! Oh...that is hilarious! There are some scary things on the internet."

"I don't know if you guys know about this. There are these websites that have pictures of various actors in 'Lord of the Rings' in homosexual positions, and that's one of the pictures that they just gave me."

"The frightening thing about it is they all look a little too real. So you kind of look at it and you're like 'I didn't do that... did I?'"

Friday, July 09, 2004

New Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth in Louisville Kentucky -

A bit o' Sharpe to share, coz I know you like it....

Chaz, this one's just for you: Sean Bean Daily's Journal


Orlando, my dear friend, Vanity Fair (Italy), May 2004
scans by WhiteFairy of Orland Bloom Forever, translation by Valeria

My first contact with Orlando was crazy! I flung my arms round his neck and I kissed him. I didn't even know his name when the Guildhall called us to tell us the result of the entrance examination.

After days of rehearsals, improvisations, singing, dancing, we were 100 people left of 1000 that had started.

On that Sunday they called us, we were divided into 3 groups (those who were in, those out, and those who were stand-by, waiting to be someone's substitute). While everyone was in panic, I noticed a guy next to me, and I told myself : "how cute!!", and that was Orlando. He started playing the fool saying: "Hey guys, maybe there's a hidden camera, we're still under examination!".

Then the teachers entered the room saying that we were in, and I kissed Orlando on his face.

At that time I didn't know I was sharing that moment of joy with someone that was about to become one of my best friends.

We used to call each other 'me Maya, me Orlando' (i.e. 'my' in cockney). He's very sweet with friends.

The first time I went to his house he screamed: "Gibbo, Giiiibbo!", and I heard from the other room "Gibbo!"; it was his friend Chris, who Orlando was living with at that time.

We actually became friends some time later. Orlando is from London, so he had his friends there, and that's why he didn't spend much time with the group.

During the second year we all started going out together. Some words in a pub, and we became good friends. We were always together. That year I lived in Stamford Hill in a house with people who were very rude, and I was very far from school, so sometimes I went sleeping to Orlando's in Soho.

He didn't drink or smoke, neither did I, we both liked relaxing in the swimming pool after the lessons, or walking in parks.

Orlando seems absent-minded, but on the contrary he's a great listener. He' a special person. He's very generous, loyal, he has a great capability of loving.

I understood he is a great person when I met his friends. If you want to know someone you have to know his friends. Our school companions didn't see these characteristics. His only friends at the academy were Matthew Brown (who quit after one year), and me.

When I got back to Italy to shoot Marco Bellocchio's "The Nurse", I'd been away for 3 months, and I think Orlando suffered a lot about that. Especially for the accident. It's been a nightmare. At that time, I was very happy because I was the only girl who was asked to study a scene from Hamlet. On a Sunday, Orlando asked me to go out, but I had to study, so I refused. He decided to go to some friends' house for lunch.

Some how, they got stuck out of the house, and, to get into it from a window, Orlando climbed a rain-pipe and fell in an abandoned garden. The next morning teachers were particularly kind to me, a couple of friends came to me like to support me. I noticed Orlando wasn't there. A teacher told me "Yes Maya, It's about Orlando. It's life".

I thought I was about to die. Orlando couldn't have walked again. I immediately ran to the hospital, even if one of my teachers tried to convince me not to. He said to me that the evening his best friend had died, he was on stage. I answered, crying, that I wasn't like him, that that day I didn't care about my job.

Orlando has changed a lot after this experience. Something like this makes you understand your limits.

When I saw him in that hospital bed, he looked terrorized. He was under morphine, and couldn't move.

After 10 days I got back to the hospital, and I saw Chris sitting on Orlando's bed, reading comics. "Where's Orlando?" "In the toilet", he answered, smiling. After a while Orlando came in, walking.

That day I realized that he couldn't be stopped.

Orlando had had job offers even before starting at Guildhall. He was the only one having an agent.

During those 3 years at the academy, he always refused any role that he was offered. On the third year, all the school companions were desperately looking for an agent, and Orlando got 7 letters after a show in which he only had 7 lines.

Everyone was envious, but he had something more, and people noticed it. After I starred in "The Nurse", Orlando too was offered a part in Italy. But he never did it.

The last day of school he was told he was a cast member of The Lord of the Rings. 3 movies in a year and a half in New Zealand. I went to see him; I spent a month there. We traveled a lot. He also made me do some extreme sports that he loves.

We bungee jumped once. I was scared, but I jumped, and I must admit it's been one of the greatest experience of my life. He jumped backwards with a camera. I think it's on the movie's dvd.

Orlando's not only brave, but he's also a creative person, he likes sculpting and taking photographs. On the LotR's set he kept a kind of diary made of polaroids and thoughts. He's a poetic person, he's a dreamer, and he likes people and art.

When we watched Romeo+Juliet, he stated "We should have made it!", and we really could, for the love we share for Shakespeare, and for friendship. We would like to work together, it would be a good excuse to spend some time together, like in the past. At the moment we are working on different movies, even if we have the same tastes. Maybe we'll manage to do it in the future. For now, we live our friendship on the phone. But he always complains that I rarely call, and it's true, but just because it's difficult to find him! He called me from the Caribbean, from Morocco.

Success hasn't changed him, he always has the same friends. When I see his pictures on magazines, I see his t-shirts, his pendants, and I can see the guy I met in London a few years ago, when we both hoped to become actors.


So many pretty pics... where do I even begin... the obsession for today is: Saiyuki

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Last Updated: 05/07/2004, afternoon all!

This morning I've added an mp3 from Witness (thank you to Dee for pointing out to me that Viggo actually speaks in this film!). I've also added a dozen or so images to Gallery page 90. Plus I've put up a link (in the "Films on US TV" section) to TV Now's Viggo page, where they list his films showing in the US within the next month. Saves me having to type them all, and also ensures that none get missed out. Looks like quite a good Viggo-on-TV month over that side of the Atlantic! Thanks to Sue for pointing me towards TV Now!

hugs to all




Obsession Mailing List, on Monday, 05/07/2004 at 14:05:03


From (july 4th):

"Samantha Bloom in Pride and Prejudice"

posted by Jas, 07/04/04
"Just got word from our Orlando contact, Lori, she informed us that Orlando's sister, Samantha has a small part in the upcoming "Pride and Prejudice" which is now in pre-production! As we reported
some time ago, Orlando was considered in the leading role but unfortunately he was not available for the project. Lori will be setting up a site for Samantha soon, we'll keep you posted".

Some new piccies of everybody from the Wellington premiere. Not pretty posed ones, real pics.

How cute is Dommie with his Bruce Lee tee?!

Lij is adorable without even trying!

Nice piccies of the SamFrodo & some far-2-cute little Lij.


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

David Wenham

Van Helsing: - October 19

Hugh Jackman, you're not fooling me buddy, I'm on to you and your "merry ways". You can play a bad ass mutant and a vampire killing hero all you want but dude, you're not fooling me.


commentary with director Stephen Sommers and producer Bob Ducsay Commentary with Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh and Shuler Hensley
Filmmaker's Diary
New World Technology vs. Old World Monsters - FX featurette
Designing Van Helsing: 360-degree IPIX Tour of the sets
Love Bites - a mockumentary
You Are in the Movie - On-location featurette shot with miniature cameras
Anatomy of a Scene: The Masquerade Ball
Creating the Characters and the Monsters - interactive featurette
Interactive Van Helsing Map
Van Helsing Time Lapse - feature containing footage of two key sets being built, filmed and torn down
Anamorphic Widescreen transfer
DD 5.1 track


Elijah Wood


Eternal Sunshine: Pushed back to October 5th.


Orlando Bloom

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Release Date: May 6th, 2005 (wide)

Release Date Note: (7/2/04) And now, Paramount has changed its mind again, moving Mission: Impossible 3 back several weeks, so this Ridley Scott epic has the first weekend in May to itself again.


Billy Boyd

Seed of Chucky (2004)

Release Date: October 22nd, 2004 (wide)

Release Date Note: (7/2/04) Originally aiming for October 29th, 2004, Focus has now bumped this movie up a week to October 22nd so it can have two weekends before Halloween.

Thursday, July 01, 2004