Saturday, April 24, 2004

ic Wales - In full bloom
Everyone who knows me knows how I love pretty, fluffy boys (i.e. Orli, Tom Welling, Clay Aiken) but I'm not all that big on this whole metrosexual trend. Yes, I'm all for men who actually care about their appearance and take care of themselves.... but men who spend more on their face creams than I ever would, men who get waxed... this has gone too far. I agree with Lauren that I prefer a real man - one who can repair my car or my house or anything else helpless me needs fixed. I want a man who looks good in dirt. I like cute boys, but I'm being totally honest in saying that you stand Orlando next to some buff, built, shirtless, sweaty construction worker & my affections may wane.... Give me a man who will smash a bug with his bare hands... a man who is strong and smart and rugged and rough around the edges. Can we talk about Viggo Mortensen? VIncent D'Onofrio? Sean Bean? That hot Irish guy who plays his best friend in the Sharpe series? Sean Connery? Thomas Jane? Give me something sweaty, smeared with motor oil, arms bulging against his ragged, holey T-shirt I keep trying to throw away while he's not looking. Pretty boys have their moments, but can they wrap you up in their arms and make you feel like they could fend off an attacker with their one free arm while still holding you safely in the other.....?

Mano a mano: Metrosexuals not fit to carry real men's beer
By Lauren Beckham Falcone
Thursday, April 22, 2004

If there's one thing the world needs less of - aside from traffic and low-carb bread - it's the metrosexual. Unless you've been living in the South American rain forest for the past year, the metrosexual is the new man. Coiffed. Waxed. Prefers chardonnay to Coors Light. Pretty, but dumb. The new blond bombshell, except with less hair.

Which is fine if you're, say, a 12-year-old girl with ``American Idol'' numbers on speed dial, but let me tell it to you straight: Real women like real men. Men who aren't afraid of a hairy chest. Who don't wax their eyebrows into something Joan Crawford would envy. Men who can't identify baby arugula, who know how to change the oil and can recite batting averages with authority. Men who are smart and funny and have bigger arms than their girlfriends.

Yet the species is in serious trouble.

Check any magazine or movie-star Web site and the big names are Ashton Kutcher, Clay Aiken, Ryan Seacrest and Orlando Bloom. These are America's most handsome, sought-after celebrities?

I'm afraid. Am I crazy to crave a guy who won't crowd my ``Princess'' mirror, borrow my Sally Hansen top-coat polish and raise an eyebrow when I suggest Ben and Jerry's One Sweet Whirled? Today, the couple that tweezes together stays together. Maybe the metrosexual is the woman's version of the trophy wife. Well-kept but keeps quiet. You can thank Demi Moore.

In my house, we have ``the list'' - you know, when two married people work up a column of celebs they'd run away with, given the opportunity. (Thank goodness we don't live in Los Angeles.) My husband's is standard fare: Ashley Judd, Jennifer Garner, Diane Lane, Charlize Theron.

Mine? Try Tony Soprano (as played by James Gandolfini), Jack Black and Vince Vaughn. Smart. Funny. Can threaten to ``put someone's head in the oven'' with authority.

Seacrest? His only hope of defending a woman's honor is to attack with his VO5 mousse and undeserved talk show contract.

I called a friend who also loathes the metrosexual craze and read my list to her. (I also included the exceptionally furry Alec Baldwin and my secret crush, the late, great John Candy.) She was a bit appalled by the latter addition, but concurred with my theory.

``There just aren't a lot of men out there,'' she said. ``Everyone young isn't a man. Maybe metrosexuals grow up to be men. I don't know.''

She came up with a few favorites: John Cusack, Ben Stiller and Val Kilmer. I told her she was showing her age. She told me to zip it.

``How about the Rock?'' she asked. ``Is he a metrosexual? He's hot, but I bet he waxes his eyebrows. He does. He totally does. You can't use him.''

We moved on to sports, and came up with real men - Tom Brady, the entire Red Sox team and some toothless Bruins - but it was a long, painful search. We had to go back in time: John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Paul Newman. We'd even take Burt Reynolds. Now, that's desperate.

And we're not alone. When a 2002 study revealed that men spend $50 million annually on skin-care products, make up a third of spa visitors and get plastic surgery 182 times more than they did in 1997, ESPN sportscaster Dan Patrick and Consort Hair Care for Men created the Save the Regular Guy Association, which is committed to making it easier to be a regular guy by challenging the metrosexual trend shaped in today's Madison Avenue kind of world.


It's not that we want he-men, men who won't change a diaper or are afraid to admit watching ``The Bachelorette.'' We just don't want to share our night cream, razors or hair colorists. I get ticked off when my husband eats the last of the bologna. Can you imagine if he were pilfering my $50 eye cream?

Luckily, I was married before this metrosexual craze, and my husband wouldn't know Prada from pistachios. He shops at Bob's and can eat his weight in steak. Which is fine with me, because, thank God, his jeans are bigger than mine.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I did boxing training so I could hold my gloves up .. they're
really heavy...

Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland); 4/18/2004


Orlando Bloom's striking good looks have helped him become an international
heartthrob and star of mega-budget epics Lord Of The Rings, Pirates Of The
Caribbean and Troy.

This pretty boy is the last person you would expect to play a boxer.

But in latest flick the Calcium Kid he plays Jimmy Connelly, a milkman who
can also pack a punch.

It's a comedy but Orlando, 27, still had to put in some serious training.

He said: 'I wanted to look like had boxed before. I did some training so
could hold my fists up with the gloves on they are quite heavy.

'It was a fun process. trained a little bit in America with a guy there and
then in Australia, when I was working on Ned Kelly, then I finished
training in England.

'Now I have a whole new respect for boxers. It's not an easy sport. It's
very demanding, physically and mentally.'

The slim, fit, young actor, who developed a passion for surfing when he was
in New Zealand filming Lord Of The Rings, learned the hard way.

He said: 'I took a few knocks, yeah. It's an interesting thing trying to
punch somebody. That's not a particularly pleasant thing to do.'

Although he will admit to his share of playground punch-ups when he was a
schoolboy.'I was a little bit of a scrapper when I was a kid,' he says.'But
I grew out of that quite quickly, thank goodness. I realised the error of
my ways.'

In the film, the milkman is drafted in to spar with the British champion,
who is preparing for a tilt at the world crown. But disaster strikes when
the champ breaks his hand on Jimmy's head.

Orlando said: 'I have to step in and there is a rather funny chain of
events that lead to me having to fight the world champion.'

The star, who is joined by pop star Billie Piper, impressionist Ronni
Ancona and comic Omid Djalili, admits Jimmy is no Muhammad Ali.

'Jimmy isn't actually a very good boxer, that's the comedy of it. He's a
milkman, first and foremost.'

During filming, Orlando got a chance to meet a couple of Britain's former
boxing greats, Frank Bruno and Chris Eubank, who appear in the movie.

'It was a real honour,' says Orlando. 'Obviously as a kid I watched them
fight. Frank and Chris have cameos in the film when they wish me all the

But his training for the role didn't stop in the ring. 'I had a few lessons
driving round in milk floats,' he says. 'And did the carrying of bottles of
milk these guys can carry a bottle on each finger and one on each palm. I
didn't actually manage that.'

The early starts were nothing new for the former paper boy, who managed to
avoid being recognised on his rounds. 'At that time nobody had a clue who I
was,' he says. 'It was before I had done Pirates Of The Caribbean and the
blond wig for Lord Of The Rings was still working as a very good disguise.'

Orlando admits he's not a fan of a daily pinta. 'In the film I had to knock
back a couple of pints but that was not real milk.'

Despite his Hollywood success, Orlando was delighted to star in the
low-budget flick. He says: 'It was my first leading role . I am very proud
of this film. I had played all these intense, serious young men. This was a
chance to throw caution to the wind and be a bit of a clown.'

The tall star, who was born in Canterbury, Kent, and had to overcome
dyslexia as he struggled to become an actor, is working on another
blockbuster. This time it's director Ridley Scott's Kingdom Of Heaven, an
epic tale set during the 12th-century Crusades. No wonder he says he often
has to pinch himself.

Orlando says: 'I feel very fortunate to have worked in such great films.
Lord Of The Rings came straight out of school for me. It wasn't much of a
decision... more a case of, 'Where do I sign?' It could all have been so
different. Six years ago he broke his back after a three-storey fall. He
had been trying to climb up a drainpipe after a friend got locked out of
his flat.

Orlando says: 'I was told I might not walk again. So for about four days I
was contemplating that as a serious part of reality. Then they operated and
I walked out of the hospital in about 12 days.' Away from the cameras,
Orlando has tried to keep his love life private. Not easy when the woman in
his life is beautiful American actress Kate Bosworth, 21, soon to be seen
in Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! and Wonderland. He has given her a gold
bracelet as a token of his love.

Of his sex symbol status, Orlando says: 'It's lovely but I don't feel very
different to how I did a few years ago. try and maintain some sense of
reality.' Asked if he's a romantic, he says: 'I like to think so. I'm a
hero to my mum, I reckon, and I was brought up with good manners, so I try
to be a gentleman.'

After The Calcium Kid, Orlando's next film release will be Troy, the
multi-million dollar saga of a 10year siege by the armies of Ancient
Greece. The star-studded cast includes Brad Pitt, The Hulk's Eric Bana,
Peter O'Toole and Sean Bean. Orlando plays Paris, the prince who starts the
war when he runs off with Helen (Diane Kruger), the wife of the Spartan king.

'Paris is the lover, not the fighter,' says Orlando. 'It's a time of men
and warriors and honour and he is this foolish boy who falls in love with
Helen, steals her away and doesn't care about consequences.'

He says working with Brad Pitt provided the same sort of inspiration he got
from acting alongside Johnny Depp in Pirates Of The Caribbean.

'They are great role models. Johnny has always been incredibly courageous
with the choices he has made and the same can be said of Brad,' says
Orlando. 'I have noticed with Johnny and Brad that fame is a by-product of
being an actor.

'I was in Malta with the Troy production and we had a cast dinner at a

'As we left I was talking to Brad Pitt and then one of the single most
bizarre things I have ever seen happened it felt like pretty much the whole
of Malta had descended on the guy.

'I witnessed with great interest the incredible poise, humility and grace
with which he carried himself at that point. People tend to get a little
bit frantic around him so it was eye-opening to see him handle that
situation, as there were people coming at him and trying to touch him and
grab him.'

As his star continues to rise, it's the kind of treatment Orlando may well
have to get used to in future.

The Calcium Kid is released on April 30.


Reluctant boxer Jimmy (Orlando Bloom) is encouraged by manager Omid
Djalili; Lord Of The Rings' elf made Orlando a star; With fellow outlaw
Joel Edgerton in Ned Kelly; Caribbean pirate Johnny Depp and Orlando;
Romantic Paris woos Helen (Diane Kruger)

COPYRIGHT 2004 Scottish Daily Record & Sunday
Good News, Bad News

Jolie and Bloom on nudity
19 April 2004

You win some, you lose some – and today it's definitely one-nil to the gentlemen among the cinema-going public. Spontaneous all-male street parties began after Angelina Jolie
said that she has no problem with on-screen nudity, and will continue to appear nekkid when her films call for it – as indeed she does in Taking Lives, out on Friday.

"I reveal more of myself when I'm extremely open emotionally than when I've got my shirt off, " said the Oscar-winning actress. She has, however, said that she does not want to strip onscreen when her son Maddox becomes a teenager, which gives her about another 12 years, gentlemen.

Meanwhile, howls of disappointment from Orlando Bloom-loving ladies could be heard all over the country as the elfin star pledged not to "do a Ewan" and strip off for the camera. Talking about his latest film The Calcium Kid, Orlando said "I didn't want to show myself up in the film so I hired a personal trainer to get my body in shape. Then I was fine about taking my top off, but I definitely wouldn't walk around starkers. I'm not an exhibitionist!"

The ladies of the nation can take comfort from the fact that Orlando appears without his top on posters for The Calcium Kid at the moment, so we recommend that Bloom fans feast their eyes at bus stops and tube stations until the film comes out on April 30.